
There are a large number of social service providers in North Canterbury. This article provides you with key contact details and information.


Buying a home can be stressful, and you may not know where to start. If you would like help, contact BSNC.


Have you received a loan through a finance company, where they assessed your ability to repay the loan, but then once you start making your repayments, you have quickly fallen into arrears? It might be the company did not complete their financial assessment correctly.


There are a number of agencies and charities which offer financial support to help with school related expenses. Read more to get advice on which service might assist your situation.


Are you in the position where family or friends might be taking advantage of you? Whether it’s financial abuse, or emotional abuse – neither are acceptable, and it’s important to get help.


Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are coming soon - make sure you're not paying more than you need to - do your research - read more...


Pay Later plans may look attractive, especially if you don't have a credit card. But you still need to be careful. Read this first to learn more...


Are you financially supporting your adult children? While it’s great that you can afford to help in this way – are you really helping them to become financially independent? And what if helping puts your own financial future in jeopardy?


BSNC recently met with medical students from the University of Otago to give them a briefing about the health needs of the Waimakariri and Hurunui communities.