If you have money worries, bills you can’t pay, creditors keep phoning demanding payment – or maybe your situation has changed and you would like help to budget for your new circumstances; then contact Budgeting Services North Canterbury.

Budgeting Services North Canterbury is a registered charity and has been working with families and whānau across the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts since 1980.  You’ll always work with a fully qualified Financial Mentor, who provides you with free and confidential advice to support you budget better.

We also offer community education via MoneyMates, where people can talk, share and learn about money.

We provide advocacy services to help negotiate fairer repayment options with creditors.  Whether it’s a government department, a bank, or a financial institution, we can advocate on your behalf.

If you need help with insolvency documents or want to better understand your consumer rights, our team of Financial Mentors have the expertise to help you improve your situation.

The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act now requires lenders to implement more stringent lending criteria to ensure that borrowers have the funds to repay their loan.  As a result lenders are asking for much more detailed information concerning your financial situation.  Our Financial Mentors can help you understand what this means for you, and help you get your paperwork in order.  As lenders will investigate your previous three months’ worth of transactions through your bank accounts, it is best to come to us well before that so we can discuss your how spending habits might influence the lender’s decision.

Sharon Grant, Service Manager of BSNC says: “It’s a real privilege to be able to support families to improve their financial wellbeing.  We have received wonderful feedback from people delighted to finally repay long-term debts and who are now able to save for the first time in their lives.  Talk to us about your situation, we’d be delighted to help you budget better.”

Phone or email to talk about your situation:  03 315 3505 or email: servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz

We’re on Facebook and www.bsnc.org.nz  Our office is located in the War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora