Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.  The types of things they can help with are:

  • If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
  • If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
  • You need help with your living expenses.
  • A range of services for Seniors.
  • A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).
  • Support with health and disability issues.
  • Help for those caring for others.
  • Help and support for those raising children.
  • Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
  • Other benefits and entitlements.

The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you are able to receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fill-in.

However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all.  While you can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help.  However if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income.  In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments.  Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.

Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help.  They know the Work and Income system inside-out – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.  So if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.