Has lockdown made you realise that you need a better broadband plan?

As we switch through lockdown levels, we know that being prepared to work from home or home-school your kids through virtual lessons is vital. Many of us have sat through these lockdowns with an internet connection that either runs out midway through the month or internet that just won’t load at all.

What then becomes hard is trying to choose a plan. With multiple providers out there, and so many different plans to choose from, what is the best broadband plan for you?

We know everyone wants different things, from a plan with unlimited data to a plan that will work with Netflix.

Fortunately, Moneyhub has created a great tool that compares broadband plans for you. If you’re looking to find your next broadband plan, head to their resource here to find out more about the different plans, speeds and deals available. Take me to the MoneyHub Broadband Tool

Have you been through all the plans available, but are finding them all too expensive, or can’t get any because of your credit score? Don’t worry, there’s still an option for you.

Take a look at Skinny Jump – broadband for those who don’t have, or can’t get broadband, because of the cost.

If you’re one of the following – you might be eligible:

  • Families with children
  • Job Seekers
  • Seniors
  • People with disabilities
  • Refugees and migrant communities
  • People who live in social housing

Even if you don’t fall into one of the above categories, you may be eligible. You can speak to one of our team members today, and they can help see if you can get this set up.

Head to the Skinny website here

Are you still wondering which plan is best for you and how much you can afford each month? 

Reach out to our team today and they will be more than happy to have a chat with you and go through the options so we can find the best option for you.