If you’ve been receiving the Winter Energy payment, it will end in less than a month.

So, how much less will I be receiving each week?

$20.46 if you’re a single person, or $31.92 if you’re a couple or have children.

How do I know if I have been getting this payment?

If you’re on any of the following, you’ll have automatically been receiving this payment:

– NZ Superannuation
– Veteran’s Pension
– Jobseeker Support
– Jobseeker Support Student Hardship
– Sole Parent Support
– Supported Living Payment
– Young Parent Payment
– Youth Payment
– Emergency Benefit
– Emergency Maintenance Allowance

When does this payment end?

The payments end on the 1st of October.

I’m worried I’ll struggle to keep my house warm until the warm weather hits – what can I do?

If you’re worried about the cost of keeping your house warm or feel like the Winter Energy Payment doesn’t cover the full cost of your bills, then it’s worth thinking about how you heat your home in the most efficient way.

Check out Genless’ guide for how to heat your home to a healthy temperature, while minimising your costs here. 

If that doesn’t work, then take a moment to step back and run through your budget – if the weather hasn’t warmed up and you still need to run your heating, what can you cut out to ensure you can have a warm house?

This might be cutting down a couple of takeaway coffees, saying no to those Friday afternoon beers or cutting out some of the more ‘luxury items’ from your budget, until the weather warms up and you aren’t so reliant on your heating.

Start with your the roof over your head, power, getting to work and food for you and your family. Map out the costs to cover these each week, and then look at that against what you’re currently spending. Are you usually spending a lot more than what you need to? Are there any little extras that only cost a few dollars at a time, but actually, add up to a fair chunk of your paycheck each week or fortnight?

Take a look through, work out what your costs are, and how you can bridge that gap until the warm weather settles in. Even better, once the warm weather comes in you may be able to release some funds to treat yourself, or save the money you’d usually spend to put towards something you really want.

Still worried about the Winter Energy Payment stopping? Speak to one of our team members today. We have a team of experienced Financial Mentors, who can help you budget for a better tomorrow. There’s no cost involved, and all of our conversations are kept fully confidential.